Sunday, January 1, 2012

Behind the Logo Design of the PIOUS WAQF

A solid square to represent a connection with the cubic shape of the Holy Kaabah.
The "P" is for Pious and the "W" is for Waqf.  The "P" incorporates the moon crest and star, to combine innovation and traditional Islamic symbolism.  The "P" is connected with the "W" through a guiding star denoting a strong bond guided by piety embodying the personality of the Waqf.

The typography is classical, elegant, and traditional to embody like personality traits.

The dark green is symbolic of the Islamic color and represents a solid conservatism necessary for safeguarding Islamic values, yet the open P asserts openness in maximizing the use of technology for servicing Islam.
The incorporation of the URL is important to note the Internet relationship to the waqf and that it is a non-profit NGO.  It is represented with clean lowercase typography to denote, clarity,  modesty, and friendliness.

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