PW Shura Councils

The PIOUS WAQF looks to create 3 Shura Council Categories for each region or country.

The PIOUS WAQF looks to establish local Shura Councils to help guide and advise the Waqf and nominate and elect new members to the board of Trustees.
There are 3 distinct Shura Council Categories:

1. Technology and Science Shura Council (5-9 members per Region or Country)

These individuals must be respected experts and professionals in Sciences and Technology with a track record of philanthropy and recognized by their peers as leading intellects in the fields of Technology and Sciences.  

Primary Job Function: 
Periodically and when needed meet either physically or electronically to advise on matters pertaining to technology research and development, innovation, training, and technology solution evolution. 

Required Commitment: 
1) Attend the local Shura Councils meeting to be held once per year, 
2) be a Forum Panelist at the yearly local PW Muslims for Technology Innovations Event. 
3) Provides Shura Council technology advice and opinion thru email when applicable. 
4) Nominate and vote for new Shura Council members and members of the PW Board of Trustees in the applicable region when required.  
5) Voice support to the PIOUS WAQF at every opportunity.  
Approximate total hours of commitments required is 10-15 hours per year. 

2. Executive Shura Council (5-7 members per Region or Country)

These individuals are well connected and networked professionals, experienced managers and administrators with expertise in best practices management, promotions, and public relations.

Primary Job Function:  
Periodically and when needed meet either physically or electronically to advise and guide the PIOUS WAQF regional group of volunteers, provide administrative and managment guidelines to insure quality and transparency.  Members are expected to utilize their extensive network and connections to promote and support donation drives and work to propose solutions to any issues and problems that might arise within their region.  

Required Commitment: 
1) Attend the local Shura Councils meeting to be held once per year.
2) be a Forum Panelist at the yearly local PW Muslims for Technology Innovations Event. 
3) Provides Shura Council operational, management and financial advice and opinion thru email when applicable.  
4) Nominate and vote for new Shura Council members and members of the PW Board of Trustees in the applicable region when required.  
5) Voice support to the PIOUS WAQF at every opportunity.  
Approximate total hours of commitments required is 10-15 hours per year. 

3. Religious Advisory Shura Council (3-5 members per Region or Country)

These individuals must be recognized Sunni Islamic Scholars and Intellectuals who are well regarded for their independence from governmental institutions, respected by a great majority within their communities for being honest and of high integrety and are proponents of the advancement of Sciences and Technology by Muslims as well as having a track record in advancing piety within their communities and practice what they preach.

Primary Job Function:
Periodically and when needed meet either physically or electronically to provide Shari'a Compliant advice and counceling on matters relating to their communities and the Shari'a compliant development, management and use of the Islamic Internet Portal Services to be provided by the PIOUS WAQF. 

Required Commitment: 
1) Attend the local Shura Councils meeting to be held once per year. 
2) be a Forum Panelist at the yearly local PW Muslims for Technology Innovations Event. 
3) Provides Shura Council religious  advice and opinion thru email when applicable. 
4) Nominate and vote for new Shura Council members and members of the PW Board of Trustees in the applicable region when required.  
5) Voice support to the PIOUS WAQF at every opportunity.  
Approximate total hours of commitments required is 10-15 hours per year. 

Requirements for All Shura Council Members:
Nominated members of any Shura Council will have the honorary title of Cy Mashuro or Cy Mashura when selected and must be recognized by their peers as pious muslims, satisfy the PIOUS WAQF code of ethics, are committed, and must believe and adopt the PIOUS WAQF vision and mission.

The process of selection is currently as follows and is open for improvement:
Muslim Founding Members and Donors are requested to nominate members to the various Shura Councils of the region or country they belong to.  Initially, The PIOUS WAQF initiator and pioneer founder will select the first members, thereafter, selected members of a region along with the pioneer founder and the board of trustees will select the remaining Shura Council Members of that region.

PW Shura Councils Nominations - 
Listing Individuals who have accepted nominations.

LEBANON Shura Councils:

Technology and Sciences Shura Council Nominees of Tripoli:

Dr. Mostafa Jazzar,
Phd. in Mathematics.

Dr. Ahmad Shahin, 
Phd. in Information Technologies.
Professor and Researcher in Information Technologies, The Lebanese University.
President of The Lebanese IT association.

Islamic Sharia Council Nominees of Tripoli:

Dr. Ali Mohammad Al-Sheikh, 
Phd. in Islamic Sharia, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
Imam and Khatib Masjid Al-Wafaa.
Sheikh Bilal Baroudi,
College Degree in Islamic Sharia
Imam and Khatib Masjid Al-Salam.

Executive Shura Council Nominees of Tripoli:

Dr. Nazih KamalEddine,
Doctor in Medicine, American University of Beirut.

EGYPT Shura Councils:

Technology and Sciences Shura Council Nominees of Cairo, Egypt:

Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar, 
Phd. in Geology from University of Wales, United Kingdom.
Muslim scholar and Chairman of Committee of Scientific Notions in 
the Qur'an, Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, Cairo, Egypt.

SAUDI ARABIA Shura Councils:

Executive Shura Council Nominees of Jeddah:

Dr. Adil Bushnak,
Chairman of Moya Group and Desalination Plant in Jeddah,

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