Monday, January 2, 2012

A Special New Waqf to Create an Islamic Friendly Internet Space

for Global Islamic Technologies Development

Initiated to foster global development of technologies in service of Islam and dedicated to creating an "Islamic Friendly" Internet space.

The PIOUS WAQF is created to support the acquisition, research and development of self-sustainable Internet and related shari'a complient technology solutions that help safeguard the Islamic moral values and make best use of the Internet to create innovative quality services that encourage and support piety, unity, cooperation, brotherhood, peace, harmony, and best practices throughout the Islamic World.

PIOUS WAQF donations will be invested in acquiring and creating Islamic Technologies. The initial drive will be to create a US$10 Million fund.

PIOUS WAQF generated revenues from such technologies will be used to:
1. Support operational expenses.
2. Maintain, update, and advance Islamic technologies.
3. Support Incubators for the development of new Islamic technologies.
4. Support educational research for Islamic technologies.
5. Provide scholarships for bright pious Muslims to advance in the science of information technology.
6. Provide charitable contributions directly related to the type of Islamic technology service.

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