Definition of Sharia-Compliant

Today, unfortunately, this term is primarily loosely used in Finance to describe riba-free (interest-free) investment, and investments that comply with Islamic jurisprudence.

However this is a very narrow incomplete definition, as it only describes the financial investment side of what is Sharia-Compliant. The true definition of Sharia-Compliance means adherence, compliance, and obedience to all that Allah (swt) ordered humans in the Qur'an and obeying what his Prophet (pbuh) has ordered thru Hadith Sahih.

Therefore for example, a picture display of a woman without a veil to a non-mehram is non-Sharia-Compliant, text and ideas that promote philosophies, and thoughts that discredit the words of Allah in the Qur'an are non-Sharia-Compliant. Promoting Darwinism is non-Sharia-Compliant, and accepting Gays and Lesbians as a normal accepted behavior is non-Sharia-Compliant...and so on.

Obviously there are degrees of adherence to Sharia. Full adherence suggests a veiled woman with halal loose clothing. Some scholars argue that a conservatively dressed Woman who shows her hair but covers her body is better than a Woman that shows her body, although both do not comply with Sharia, one is obviously partially compliant while the other may be considered fully non-compliant, and Allah knows best.

This does not mean that Islam does not realize that such non-Sharia-Compliance exists, it just means that Muslims do not and ought not become influenced by such non-Sharia-Compliant displays and believes, even if other non-Muslims choose to as they are certainly free to do so.  Sharia-Compliance DOES NOT mean erasing others, it just means that Muslims ought to adhere to the rules of Allah to be called Sharia-Compliant, and create a environment to support compliance, in day-to-day life, and now on the Internet as it has become a part of our day-to-day lives.

A Muslim's particular behavior can be considered Sharia-Compliant (Multazim) or non-Sharia-Compliant (partial or full). Full Sharia Compliance in all behaviors is very very hard to achive, but all Muslims are encouraged to pursue achieving full Sharia-Compliance no matter how hard it is and even if it feels impossible to attain. The same can be said about a Company or an Organization, and Allah is the most forgiver, and he knows best.