PW Trustees

7. Who can nominate a member to the PIOUS WAQF Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees currently is planned to constitute 17 members representing the global Islamic community (all are subject to approval by the Malaysian Awqaf authorities)
2 Trustees from the Far East Islamic Countries
2 Trustees from the Gulf Region
2 Trustees from the Levant Region
1 Trustee from Turkey
2 Trustees from Middle Asia
2 Trustees from Africa
2 Trustees from Europe
2 Trustees from The Americas
1 Secretary from Malaysia, and 1 for Pioneer Founder

Currently Samer Ramadan is nominated as a member to the Board of Trustees and is searching for honorable, reputable and well respected individuals to be nominated to the Board of Trustees including for the position of the Chairman of The Board who is expected to have a stellar record in committment to Islamic causes, ethics, leadership, philanthropy, organization, management, and development.
If you think you know someone who should be on the Board of Trustees please
Contact Us and let us know who and how to reach him or her or them.

Any invited and approved member to the PIOUS WAQF forum is welcomed to nominate a reputable person that meets the requirements to the Board of Trustees.

for the requirements see below.

8. What are the nomination requirements to the PIOUS WAQF Board of Trustees?

These are currently the requirements to be nominated to the PIOUS WAQF Board of Trustees:

1.    Proof of Piety as a Sunni Muslim (thru personal recommendations of reputable entities).

2.    Proof of Ability (in the field or knowledge required).

2.    Honesty

3.    Integrity

4.    Credibility

5.    Transparency

6.    Good Reputation

7.    Openness

8.    Support Technology Advancements

9.    Commitment.

10.    Preferred to publicly state wealth of own and direct family dependent members and to publicly state all the sources of income and expenses.

11.    Proof of non-existing conflict of interest with the PIOUS WAQF.  A Trustee may not own directly or indirectly any whole or part of, or either personally, or for a close-relative, benefit directly or indirectly from any entity that as a Trustee member of the PIOUS WAQF he/she participates in making decisions for selecting, hiring, or using its services in return for compensation.
12.    Leadership abilities.