Letter from the PIOUS WAQF founder

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh

Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters all over the world,

I wish to share with you some of my discoveries:

280 Million Muslims today use the Internet, we are the fastest growing segment of the population, we will be 500 Million Muslim users by 2015!

Not a single Muslim organization owns any Internet web site ranked in the top 250.

More than 99.99% of the Internet sites are non-Sharia compliant and are entering to most our living rooms.  There are over 87 Million active sites.  555 Million registered websites, 300 Million added in 2011 alone!

The top 7 Arabic sites are owned by non-Muslims

On the net, there are more websites that promote Christianity, Jeudism, Budhissm, and Yoga than Islam.

Less than 0.2% of Islamic World investments are invested in technology, about 90% of it is invested in foreign technology companies.  By comparison, the world average is 2.4% (more than 10 times, according to Prime Minister of Qatar H.E. Hamad Bin Jassem)

More money is being spent by non-Muslims on Islamic sites that claim to be Islamic but are non-Sharia compliant than by Muslims for Sharia compliant sites, just look at for whom Christopher Haggblaum is Chairman and invested $2 Million, and the huge number of new Islamic Dating sites that are non-Sharia compliant.

The most multilingual Islamic-related site speaks 24 languages, and is Against Islam,,  while the website of The Muslim World League Organization with over 70 offices worldwide only spoke Arabic and only recently added English.

China woke-up and 5 years ago invested heavily in the Internet for they saw their people driven to it by the west, and successfully captured 15% of the world’s top ranking 500 sites.  Did you know that Google is no longer top-ranked in China?  Will we Muslims wake up?

10 Years ago, 90% of the top 500 ranked sites were pornography sites, today they make-up 6.2%, while sites owned by Muslims only makeup 0.6% none of them are Sharia-Compliant!

Top 100 Tech Companies yearly revenues surpass $1.2 Trillion, more than the combined GDP of all the Arab Gulf countries combined.  None of those companies is in an Islamic Country!

Global Muslims wealth is $19 Trillion in 2011, projected to be $35 Trillion by 2020, the fastest growing global segment.

If Muslims just paid their Zakat (a pillar - as we get bad marks for not doing it, like salat) it would amount to over $500 Billion every year to the poor, the needy and Zakat causes..., today more than 95% of us don't pay it!

American Muslims yearly spending power is $171 Billion, one of the world's richest per capita outside of Qatar.

Experts predict schoolbooks will be obsolete by 2020, our kids will just use a $35 EduTablet with 30-days battery life and super-wifi internet access.

It took 6 rounds of financing by patient western investors, and 7 years for Facebook to start making money, all Muslim investors, I met, want technology to give them a return after ONE year and from the first ROUND!

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
from Muslims are wasted on TV stations to Vote for a favorite singer by texting or calling, and for “Gambling” to win a prize, a Super Low Probability and non-Halal activity!  Millions are gained $0.35 at a time from young Muslim’s mobile phone bill.

Every year, over 10 Billion Hours of productivity is wasted by Muslims watching football.  By comparison, equating to a mega company with over 6 Million employees.

A Muslim's work on earth ends with his death but for THREE, 1. Sadaqa Jareyah (An Ongoing Beneficial Charity), 2. Elm Yuntafaa Bih (Knowledge or Science that benefits humanity), 3. Waladan Hassanan Yadaou Lah (a Pious Son/Daughter that prays for you).

Investing in the PIOUS WAQF hopes to bring light to your future grave and expand it.

When your time is up, and your book of deeds is missing a few needed Hasanat (good deads), your Hasanats continue to increase as dividends from your Investments in Akhera (after life).

The RISK of NOT investing in technology has become way larger than the RISK of investing.  We need to have faith while Planning and Executing Well.

And until now very little is being done about it!  Most rich Muslims are too busy investing in “safer” Real Estate projects, Islamic Governments don’t have a clear plan or a strategy or a vision, we need to act quickly and now, before it is too late,
thru Grass Roots Support of all Muslims on the Internet,

Your pledge of contribution for as little as $25 for a bronze stock certificate for your Akhera can help make the PIOUS WAQF for Global Islamic Technologies Development a reality, please pledge today to become a Founding Member.

The PIOUS WAQF hopes to create a modest $10 Million non-profit investment fund, although I think we need to be investing in the $Billions.  The Islamic web portals being proposed all have revenue generation models and the WAQF will work hard to support Islamic Technology Scholarships, ThinkTanks, Research, and Incubators.

Checkout the FAQs section to learn more on how the PIOUS WAQF will be managed, what we propose to build, and where we hope to spend the proceeds. 

Let’s work together to create an Islamic-Friendly Internet space,
I know we can do it!

Samer Osman Bey Ramadan Oglu
Pioneer Founder

PS: I need volunteers to translate my message to other languages to have a wider reach...Arabic, Turkish, Urdu, Baha Indonesian, Malay, Farsi, Frensh, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese and as many other languages as possible, let's reach out.

Above data and figures are from facts, personal research conclusions, estimations, what prominent others have said, and intellectual predictions.  If any reader has more important facts or arguments to add, please feel free to contribute and email